Hello there! Today I`d like to tell you what I`m thankful for. Firstly, I`m really thankful that I have re-organized my day, I go to bed at 9 p.m. and get up at 5 a.m. I sleep in and when I wake up I feel alert and ready for action. In spring and summer I always get up that early and I have plenty of time for everything, and now I feel the spring coming and I`m overjoyed! Also I`ve got a new student, she is a sister of my intimate friend, both of them are very sharp girls and it`s a pleasure to help such students. One more thing worth mentioning is that this weekend were full of fun and full of love, I`m grateful I spent a lot of time with my mates. Also there`s a pretty funny thing that I`m thankful for: a couple of days ago I told my granny that I have very uncomfortable chairs. I said it just in passing but she remembered it and brought me a couple of lovely chair covers! It`s a very small thing but it made my day. One more thing that I`m thankful for is that I`m going to the 3 days camp again. This time I go there not as a camp counselor, but as an organizer. It means that I won`t have my own kids, I`ll work for the whole camp. I can`t wait to try on this role!
What did I learn?
There`s no specific things that blew my mind. I like that my University and people around me teach me something new every day. But there`s one thing the world can`t stop teaching me: everything needs to be done on-time. This lesson repeats too often, but I`m a bad learner, although there is progress. Now I try to make a list of things that should be done today. Even if I don`t manage to do them all, it still helps me a lot. I can`t imagine how cool and productive are people who use more time management techniques!
This one is as old as the hills, but still. This weekend I started to watch the 3 season of True Detective, and I swear, I met dozens of idioms connected with body parts. Seriously. Now I wonder how oblivious am I, because there is so much I don`t know! It`s like the theory of circles that Miss B told us about.
One more thing: I can`t work when my room is a mess. I`m not a very neat person, but I love when space around me is clean and when everything is in the right place. It saves my energy from bothering about the mess. Also I have enough mess in my head, so why don`t I at least clean my room?)
Connections with people.
This weekend a girl from the camp invited me at her place so I could teach her how to bake cupcakes. I was surprised because we were not friends. But we really had a ball! It turned out that we have much in common, for example we like the same music and read the same books. I really enjoy meeting new people, because every person is like a different planet and you should do your best to explore it.
Also me and my friends went out for a drink last Friday. These girls are my school friends and we don`t see each other very often. We talked for hours and hours remembering our school years, we laughed a lot. These girls are very easy-going, and because of that their life is full of adventures! I guess I could`ve taken it away from them. We`ve came through a lot with them, so I think we can work on many things with them, because they have always supported my crazy ideas and helped me to implement my ideas.
That`s all for now, thank you!