the trip

3 min readSep 12, 2018


  • I miss the Tuesday’s class and I feel a bit guilty because of it:))
    soo to mitigate the situation I decided to write about the reason I’m missing university in details!
  • part 1
    now it’s 22:44 and I’m listening to Agutin in the middle of nowhere (actually somewhere between N. Novgorod and Moscow, I just like the expression)) with my colleagues, let’s call it so! We are heading to a some kind of a festival, where will be working as entertainers. we certainly have the most uncomfortable bus ever, but still the company is cool and I’m enjoying the ride and looking forward to tomorrow’s morning, as I’m very excited about what’s going to happen! of course they gave us enough information — we are going to work with adults helping them during the quest. I have an experience of working as an entertainer, but I have never worked with grownups, only with kids and teenagers, so I feel a bit anxious (well, actually my heart beats like a drum every time I think of it). they are serious and respected people, and I’m afraid they won’t be involved enough because it will simply be not interesting for them. speaking about kids, you can do literally any stupid and strange stuff, but they will laugh and smile, if you do it from your heart.
    I’m falling asleep, so see you in the morning.
  • part 2.
    we finally reached the destination at five in the morning, but the customers expected us to come at six, so we had an extra hour to sleep. buut, our driver turned out to be like the most responsible guy in the world, so he started to worry about the cost of a paid parking, about the guards, I think that moment he was worried even about the global warming!! so we had to wake up and unload the props, sacrificing an hour of sleeping. the event took place in a luxurious loft, it looked gorgeous. we had our early breakfast, made up, finally woke up and started preparing the locations of our quest. it took us nearly two hours, right after we finished the guests started to arrive, and my knees started to shake! what is more, the company is international, so there are a lot of foreigners who works there, and the boss knew I speak English, so she made me the mentor of a group where the president of the firm was!
    likely she soon realized I’m too nervous to do it, but still, the possibility of it seemed great to me:)
  • part 3.
    I don’t wanna describe my team or the quest, so to cut long story short, the quest was based on the rules of safety engineering in a fabric. my predictions were right, working with adults is not my cup of tea. they were great and lovely and what’s not, but still. maybe I didn’t gain enough feedback from them.
    we finished up at 12, so we had 5 hours of free time we can spend in Moscow! I arranged two meetings with my closest friends, who live and study in Moscow now. we had a lunch at my favorite cafeteria and they went on walking. I’m not a big fan of that city, but the atmosphere was great, mainly because of the people I guess.
    we laughed, ate, talked talked and talked. now I’m exhausted, it’s 19:45 and we are going home. mainly we sleep, wake up only to eat and to sign a couple of songs:) I love that kind of people, who can have fun and party even after a hard day, I think this is how things should be: work hard, play hard.
    love that day to the moon and back.



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