Hi! Today I learned a lot about different sports. For example, I discovered that rugby and football are not two different names for one sport)) they are still pretty much the same for me, but there`s something that helps me to understand what it is: football players` uniform is way more massive, it contains a helmet and a body protection, while rugby players wear just T-shorts and shorts.
Also I`ve watched a video about basics of trampolining, and this is amazing! I really like doing that sport but I get tired after a few seconds of jumping! And after I get off the trampoline walking on the ground and especially jumping on it seems veery strange + my legs are killing me! I found out that I can even do some tricks like full turn and front flip.
Also I learned there is a game called netball (basketball with super hard rules) and cricket, which reminded me of a Russian game called Lapta (the most interesting game on the planet, by the way)).
I hope you learned something new from my summary! You can always find out more on YouTube if you want:)