First of all, I`d like to say that this website is the lamest website I`ve ever seen(( The idea of creating a resource where everyone can easily find out more about the Olympics is great, but it was NOT easy for me, I even sent a video of how lame and mad that website is to my classmates. But still I`ve learned some new things about winter Olympics in Sochi.
I learned that there are 41 summer sports and only 15 winter sports, but I`ve always loved winter sports more, as they are more interesting for me.
The number of athletes who took part in it seemed enormous to me: 2780! I can`t imagine how many people organized the games, how many spectators were there, and how much did it coast… I found out that these Olympic games were the most expensive games ever.
Also I`ve read an article called «WOMEN MAKE A NAME FOR THEMSELVES IN SOCHI».
There I learned a lot about amazing women, who took part in the game. For example, here you can see Alla Tsuper and Lydia Lassila, who juggle their sporting careers with motherhood. I didn`t think it is possible to catch up after pregnancy, seriously, I thought that your sport career is over after it, but I was very wrong.
And also I remembered my favorite episode from the opening and watched it again. Frankly speaking, I think that the opening was great and grandiose, I remember how I watched it with my family and we all liked it a lot.
Thanks for reading!