Hii, here we go again! I`d like to tell you how I feel now, two weeks (can you imagine?) after Midterms.
Firstly, I had some kind of a tiny vacation after it! It was so stressful for me that my organism decided to take a rest without my permission)) I got sick and lay in bed for more than a week. It always happens to me after finals and all the other important exams, because I`m that kind of person who physically can`t do things little by little, I can only work hard when the situations is very bad and I`ll have some serious consequences if I just sit back. It`s not the best treat of character to have, because you enhance the amount of stress in your life, but if you know the problem you can do something at least not to make in worse. What is more, it helps you to be more creative and find solutions to different problems faster, than people who are used to plan everything and do things gradually. I don`t blame myself for this feature, I just try to live with it and not be surprised when I get low marks in school or university, because studying requires regularity, which is my weak point. So it meaningless to blame yourself for things you`re not the best at, it`s better to focus on your strengths on develop in that field, although you shouldn`t give up on your weaknesses, trying to make the best of it.
Soo, to prove my words I`d like to say that I`m improving the situation with my Home reading! I do my homework in advance and pay more attention to it in general. As a result, I got an A for the test (for the first time!) and Miss Kate noticed that my attitude has changed. I`m happy that it is noticeable!
And also I was doing my homework (not all the assignments, but still it`s a small victory for me!) when I was sick, and when I came to the University on Tuesday, I was prepared and knew what was going on.
My goal for this term is not to lose my scholarship (!) and to have fun at this amazing place full of interesting people and opportunities. I still cannot believe we spend the whole day with our American friends! What are the odds of meeting Americans in Nizhny Novgorod??? And we went for a walk, played board games and sang! And now we follow each other in Instagram and they even watch my stories, which I think is amazing!
Thanks for reading!