Here I`m again! I want to tell you about a book called Looking for Alaska.
- Why did you choose this book?
Ooh, only Elena and Ivan know how hard it was! We were choosing among Life of Pi, The Martian and every single book that has been ever written. I thought it won`t happened at all, but finally we came to conclusion. The problem was that I have already read this book because I`m a huge fan of John Green. But then I decided to read it again and now I`m overjoyed.
- How do you find it so far?
It`s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. I`m falling in love with this book again. It feels like I`m in the 9TH grade again! This book reminds me of good old days when I was the happiest girl in the world. It`s summer, my prom is in 2 weeks, and I`m heading to my first job, isn`t it amazing?) The only bad thing is that I know how it ends(
— Does it match your expectations? Why?
100% match. I`m fond of teenage literature, but I stopped reading in in 10th grade, because I have other books to read and other things to do. I really missed something so naïve and simple so now I really appreciate that I have a chance to read what I really like. ESPECIALLY after reading that horrible The girl on the train, which was slowly destroying me. Every time the next session was coming I started to feel anxious about it, because I knew I didn`t want to turn back to the world of alcohol and violence. And now I enjoy every page and it has finally become a pleasure reading.