Hi! My freshman year is almost over, and now it`s time to look back and to see what I have learned.
The biggest, the most outstanding discovery of the year: IF YOU DON`T LIKE SOMETHING — CHANGE IT! As you all know, I quit university in Saint Petersburg last year, and so far it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I love my University, my groupmates and my teachers so much that I can`t even describe it. And I don`t take it for granted, because I know how different things can be.
And the second very important thing: you should find your own comfortable way to study. What I mean is that it`s very difficult to study productively when you don`t feel comfortable. For example, I can`t study in mess, also I`m an early bird, so I like doing my homework in the morning (I get up at approximately 4:30 every day), because I`m more productive in that part of a day. But if there`s too much homework and the morning is not enough and I have to do it in the evening as well, I usually go to a café, just because it`s more comfortable for me to work there. If you prefer working in the night — that`s ok, if you like to do your homework in the library — good! If you like to do it in bed — great! Just try different ways and find the one that fits the best.
Good luck!