May, 1995
I overslept. The alarm didn`t went off for some reason. I can hear my mom making dinner downstairs. In my head I already hear how she is yelling at me, saying I`m a total disappointment, that I`m ruining her life. Well, I don`t think it`s true, I don`t believe her, she doesn`t know what a good thing she`s got in me. Of course, I`m not an excellent student, my room is a mess, but does it make me the worst person in the world? I don`t think so. I know myself and I love Rachel. But still, her words sound so strong, so powerful, that often I just can`t fight back. It’s always embarrassing, it always makes me cringe. Sooner or later I have to go downstairs, I had to be at school 40 minutes ago. So I take a deep breath, getting ready for fight, and go to the kitchen.
— Hi mom, — I said. But there was no respond, — Ok, I`m in a hurry, so I`d better have breakfast at school, — I said awkwardly.
— You can oversleep your whole life, Rachel, — There was so much disgust in her voice, and her eyes were saying «You`re pathetic, my husband left me because you were born». I felt it, because she didn`t even try to hide it.
— I won`t, mom. No need to worry about it, — I said and rushed off to school, before I burst into tears.