A letter to myself
Dear friend,
Hi! How are things? It’s me, Effy from the past. Writing to you is a bit strange , but hey, the idea is awesome, don’t you think so? Nobody knows you better than I, do my reflection and my future recommendations could be useful. Even if they are not, looking at yourself outside yourself is an unusual experience, because it helps you to observe things you could not even notice from inside.
The first thing I want to say: good job you. Really, analyzing all your doings with a cool head I’m saying that now I’m happy and there’s nothing that worries me and keeps me up at night. In spring I finally started sleeping lake a baby, I fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly all night, I guess it’s the main evidence that nothing eats me now (thanks to you!).
I think that the main lesson that has been learned is that there’s nothing wrong in giving yourself a little slack from time to time, because you not a robot and you get tired sometimes. Pushing yourself won’t give any results, trust me, the body will find a way to get rest. In your case it was hospital, and thank god everything is ok now. Remember what did you say about punishing children? It doesn’t work. So maybe you could take it into consideration and praise yourself every time you do something right instead of blaming and punishing yourself when you make a mistake. But on the other hand, please, stop procrastinating! I know it’s very easy to say and hard to do, but hey, you’re taking slow steps to being more productive and I’m on cloud nine because of it! I’m glad that now you know for sure that you’re an early bird and you’re more productive in the morning, it’s a great discovery that saves you a lot of time and energy. The next step is to find out where are you the most productive, because it’s obvious that it’s hard for you to get yourself together at home. My advice is to look for a library like you did in Saint Petersburg or to find a cozy cafe near your place. Also I’m so happy that you managed to go to Poland! It’s very cool that you went abroad yourself! Of course there were some issues with visa, but lesson learned, huh? Now you (hopefully) won’t make the same mistake again. The next goal is to find go to the concert of Florence, and I’m sure you will go there in the nearest future. The last thing I want to mention is that I’m a happy camper because you were accepted to the camp. The competition was enormous, and being chosen from such a big amount of talented people is a great honor. Good luck with the kids, I’m sure everything will be as good as can be.
What was your favorite during these two months? I guess it was your birthday. And what about your favorite moment, the highlight of the day? I guess it was the moment when you went ice skating with your friends. Remember how hard it was to finally brave the cold and go outside? Oh, and a funny story with the skates! Your friend brought you your ice skates, but non of you knew how cool the new ice skates to rent were! They were shining blue as there were a few small bulbs under. You knew you already he your own skates, but gosh, these ones were shining blue! And your eyes were sparkling as if it was something magical. Your friend had noticed that and gave you his skates with neon-blue lanterns.
The wind was blowing as if it wanted to blow everything away. You didn’t even have to make any effort to move, the wind was so strong that it was moving you. It wasn’t snowing back than but snow was all around, it was levitating because of the severe wind. On one hand you wanted to stop this madness and get yourself a cup of coffee to get warm, but on the other hand you wanted this moment would last forever. Old music that played at the stadium, new ice skates that were shining blue, snowflakes that fell on your nose and eyelash, cold hands of people with warm hearts. You could not help laughing at their silly jokes, you could not help making these silly jokes yourself. Pure harmony. You are as happy a can be.
Now it’s time to make plans for the small unexpected spring break. Why don’t you go to Sochi with your friends? I know you already have the tickets, but it was a part of the assignment;)
Good luck with everything.
Best wishes,
You from the past